Escola Politécnica

Formando engenheiros e líderes

Nos dias 3 e 4 de setembro, acontecerá no Departamento de Engenharia de Produção (PRO) da Poli-USP o Second International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0, com o tema: “Digital Transformation in SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)”.

O evento é organizado pela SC4, rede colaborativa de pesquisa em Indústria 4.0, e conta com o Prof. Eduardo Zancul (PRO) no comitê organizador.

Abaixo, mais informações sobre o Simpósio (em inglês):

Second International Symposium on Supply Chain 4.0: Digital Transformation in SME (Small and Medium Enterprises)
September 3-4th, 2018, São Paulo, Brazil
Organized by the SC4 (Collaborative Research Network on Supply Chain 4.0) 


Industry 4.0;
Supply Chain Management & Emerging Technologies;
Smart Factories, Smart Organizations, Smart Business;
Smart Logistics and related topics;


1) Promote research works in the area;
2) Foster collaboration among members;
3) Plan other collaborative activities among
members and non-members of the SC4 Network.

Early registration: R$ 150,00 (until August 29th).

Regular registration: R$ 300,00 (until August 31st).

Students (undergraduate and graduate) have 50% discount. Please, use the discount code VDESCALUNOUSP during registration.

Register here! 

(Registration Process in Portuguese, but consult the Instructions in English to register at the ISSC4)