There are three exchange programs at Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo:

The Double Degree exchange length is stated in the Agreement signed between both Higher Education Institutions. Normally the scheduled period for the student’s exchange program is in the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th semesters, or, in the 8th, 9th and 10th semesters. The registration must be made in only one of the 17 Engineering Specializations offered by Poli.
To choose the main area of expertise/specialization, please click on the link:
Double Degree Students are considered regular students, therefore they can do an Internship in a company, since this internship is available in the regular student’s program curriculum/syllabus regularly registered at Poli. The proper application that must be filled is: Double Degree, the Learning Agreement is not needed.
Double exchange program
The Escola Politécnica of the University of São Paulo (The Engineering School) is very pleased to receive you as an exchange student!
The original Letter of Acceptance will be emailed to the International Office of your home University. You can find the digital copy attached below. This Letter is necessary for the Student’s VISA (Temporary Type IV) to be requested from the Brazilian Diplomatic Representation ( while the student is still in their home country. Foreign students must provide health insurance before leaving their home Country. In the attachment “Information to Exchange Students” you can find useful information about the procedures of the exchange. You must read the attachment carefully and add your USP NUMBER, on the top of the Letter of Acceptance. It will be necessary to create an email account and request your USP and BUSP Cards. All the instructions can be found below.
First of all, you’ll have to create your universal password. You shall follow these instructions:
- Access the
- Click on the link “First Access” and follow these instructions:
- Enter your USP number.
- Enter your email.
- Enter the characters for security verification.
- Lastly, click on “Password Request” and wait to receive a confirmation email, to the address specified, by you, previously;
PS: Please be sure to check the spam box.
- After receiving the confirmation email, click on the link in the message. You’ll be directed to a page, where you’ll be able to create your universal password;
- After creating your universal password you must also create your USP email:
- Access the
- At the “Usuário” (User: you must write your USP number) and at Senha (Password, you must write the password you have just created). For the next steps, follow the instructions on the site.
USP and BUSP Cards: It must be requested by the student directly in this link.
These are the steps for the application:
- Click on the option “USP card”;
- Enter your USP number;
- Click on the option: “Add/Change Photo” and upload a JPG file (photo size 3×4);
- Click on “New Application”.
After that, the student will receive an email about the status of the delivery process. For the BUSP card the student may follow the same steps, but, this time they will not be required to upload a photo.
Portuguese Language Course: it’s important to know that all the courses at Poli are held in Portuguese. We strongly advise students to take Portuguese lessons before arriving in São Paulo. To help the students prepare for their studies at Poli, AUCANI – International Cooperation Office of USP – offers an online Portuguese Language Course.
For more information send an email to the address: or go to the link:
ESCRITÓRIO POLITÉCNICO INTERNACIONAL (iPOLI – The iPOLI is a Student Association of Escola Politécnica, which works closely with the International Relations Office team of EPUSP (SVREInt-Poli). They also help foreign students on their arrival in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, and to understand the procedures of the Federal Police Therefore, we strongly recommend to foreign students to contact iPOLI before leaving your home Country. They also promote “Orientation Week” For more information contact:
We strongly advise you to arrive in Brazil at least one week before the official beginning of the classes. When you arrive in São Paulo, we recommend you go to the International Relations Office to introduce yourself and receive useful information for your program. For directions please see the map:
We look forward to hearing from you and welcome you here at EPUSP!
All the best,
International Relations Office Escola Politécnica da USP –
Non-Degree: the foreseen period of this exchange is two semesters of coursework (one academic year) or one semester of coursework. Non-Degree Students are considered special students. Therefore, they are allowed to participate in internship programs only in the Laboratories at Poli, but they will NOT be allowed to participate in any internship programs in companies.
The proper application that must be filled is Non-Degree Exchange plus the proper Learning Agreement. To choose the courses for your program, please go to the following link:
Non- Degree student
The Escola Politécnica of the University of São Paulo (The Engineering School) https:// is very pleased to receive you as an exchange student!
The original Letter of Acceptance must be sent by email to the International Office of your home University. You can find the digital copy below. This Letter is necessary for the Student’s VISA (Temporary Type IV) to be requested from the Brazilian diplomatic representation (, while the student is still in their home country. Foreign students must provide health insurance before leaving their home Country. In the attachment “Information to Exchange Students” you can find useful information about the program. You must read the attachment carefully. Your USP NUMBER must be added on the top of the Letter of Acceptance, it will be necessary to create an email account. The instructions to create the e-mail account can be found below.
First of all, you’ll have to create your universal password. You shall follow these instructions:
- Access the
- Click on the link “First Access” and follow these instructions:
- Enter your USP number.
- Enter your email.
- Enter the characters for security verification.
- Lastly, click on “Password Request” and wait to receive a confirmation email, to the address specified, by you, previously;
PS: Please be sure to check the spam box.
- After receiving the confirmation email, click on the link in the message. you’ll be redirected to a page, where you’ll be able to create your universal password;
- After creating your universal password you must also create your USP email:
- Access the
- At the “Usuário” (User: you must write your USP number) and at Senha (Password, you must write the password you have just created). For the next steps, follow the instructions on the site.
Portuguese Language Course: it’s important to know that all the courses at Poli are held in Portuguese. We strongly advise students to take Portuguese lessons before arriving in São Paulo. To help the students prepare for their studies at Poli, AUCANI – International Cooperation Office of USP – offers an online Portuguese Language Course.
For more information send an email to the address: or go to the link:
ESCRITÓRIO POLITÉCNICO INTERNACIONAL(iPOLI – The iPOLI is a Student Association of Escola Politécnica, which works closely with the International Relations Office team of EPUSP (SVREInt-Poli). They also help foreign students on their arrival in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, and to understand the procedures of the Federal Police Therefore, we strongly recommend to foreign students to contact iPOLI before leaving your home Country. They also promote “Orientation Week” For more information contact:
We strongly advise you to arrive in Brazil at least one week before the official beginning of the classes. When you arrive in Sao Paulo, we recommend you to come to the International Relations Office to introduce yourself and receive useful information. For directions please see the map: onibus-circular-campus-butanta/.
We are looking forward to hearing from you and welcome you here at EPUSP!
All the best
International Relations Office
Escola Politécnica da USP –