The University of São Paulo’s Escola Politécnica (Engineering School), also known as Poli, established its first partnership with an international institution for a double-degree program in December 2000. On July 1st, a prestigious virtual event celebrated the program’s 20th anniversary, which has grown to encompass seven different countries.
Poli’s Former Dean, Liedi Legi Bariani Bernucci, inaugurated the event by stating “It’s a great honor to celebrate the 20 years of double-degree internationalization for Poli’s students. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this ceremony had to be held virtually. We hope that soon it will be possible to be together with our academic partners and that students can once again travel abroad, study in other countries, experience and learn other cultures”.
USP’s former President Vahan Agopyan’s speech emphasized the importance of double-degree programs for Poli’s Brazilian students, not only for those who took part in the program but for the entire school. “Having classmates who have already had experience living in other countries shows just how much engineering is a globalized activity. Suppose we want to prepare our students for international endeavors. In that case, they must have this kind of opportunity”, declared Agopyan, who was also Poli’s vice dean back when the program’s first agreement was signed.
A student selected by the program may attend a partner university for terms ranging between 18 months and 3 years. Once the program is complete, the student returns to USP to finish his original undergraduate course and receive a degree from both institutions. The one conferred by the partner university makes it possible to work in the corresponding country in which the program took place, without requiring further validation.
“Internationalization is a fundamental factor in developing any higher education institution. It is a tool to improve the quality of education, research, cultural and community services. And mobility goes beyond scientific and academic experience, as it allows students to experience new cultures, expand personal horizons, learn how to deal with diversity, be more tolerant and respect differences; in summary, to become a better citizen”, reflected USP former Provost for International Cooperation, Prof. Valmor Tricoli.
About Poli-USP
Currently, the partnership includes institutions located in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Peru, Portugal and Spain. The event had the participation of Deans from both USP and other international institutions, representatives from companies, and engineers that have participated in the initiative. This text was originally written by Erika Yamamoto and published in Portuguese at the Jornal da USP news agency. It was translated into English by Aucani’s journalism intern Filipe Narciso.
Na manhã do dia 1º de julho de 2021, foi realizado o evento “20 years of double degree: internationalization for the students of Escola Politécnica”, em celebração aos acordos de duplo diploma celebrados entre a Escola Politécnica (Poli) da USP e instituições de ensino superior estrangeiras. Participaram do evento autoridades, professores, alunos e funcionários da USP e representantes das instituições parceiras que integram os esforços de internacionalização.
Acesse aqui a cobertura completa.
Memória do evento
Conheça a trilha sonora do evento
Conheça o trabalho do Acappolli, grupo de canto Acappella da USP.