Escola Politécnica

Formando engenheiros e líderes

Before Your Arrival


Find out what type of visa is adequate for you. You should decide based on these three factors:

  1. How long you will be actually staying in Brazil;
  2. Your nationality;
  3. The purpose of your trip.

Short stay (up to 90 days)

Depending on your NATIONALITY, you may be required to obtain a visa to enter Brazil (visit visa = VIVIS) or you may actually be able to travel visa-free.

Click here to find out if you need a VIVIS to travel to Brazil.

Long stay (more than 90 days)

Depending on the PURPOSE OF YOUR VISIT, you MUST apply for one of the following temporary visas (VITEM):




LEGAL BASIS (in Portuguese)


research or teaching

visiting professors, researchers, and postdocs – with NO employment relationship with a Brazilian institution

Resolução normativa 20 de 20/12/2017


research or teaching

visiting professors, researchers, and postdocs – with an employment relationship with a Brazilian institution

Resolução normativa 24 de 20/02/2018



undergraduate and graduate students

Portaria interministerial 7 de 13/03/2018


family reunion

those on family ties with a Brazilian citizen or a foreign citizen who’s a temporary or permanent resident in Brazil

Portaria interministerial 12 de 13/06/2018


MERCOSUR Residence Agreement

citizens from Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru

Decreto 6975 de 07/10/2009

No. If you do not qualify for a visa waiver, you must apply for a visa before your departure to Brazil. The airlines WILL ONLY allow you to board a plane to Brazil if you have a visa. Even if they do let you, upon your arrival in Brazil the airline will be heavily fined and you will be deported back to your home country.

If you have any questions concerning immigration and visa requirements for Brazil (e.g., required documents, fees, and deadlines), please contact the Brazilian Consulate or Embassy where your application will be processed. For a list of the Brazilian consular network around the world, visit:

Time-saving tip: when applying for your visa at the Brazilian Consulate, don’t miss the opportunity to also request your CPF (Brazilian Tax Number). It is faster and easier than requesting it once you are already in Brazil.

Universal Passwords


First of all, you’ll have to create your universal password. You shall follow these instructions:

  1. Access the

  2. Click on the link “First Access” and follow these instructions:

  • Enter your USP number.

  • Enter your email.

  • Enter the characters for security verification.

  • Lastly, click on “Password Request” and wait to receive a confirmation email, at the address specified, by you, previously; 

PS: Please be sure to check the spam box.

  • After receiving the confirmation email, click on the link in the message. you’ll be redirected to a page, where you’ll be able to create your universal password;

  • After creating your universal password you must also create your USP email:

    • Access the

    • At the “Usuário” (User: you must write your USP number) and at Senha (Password, you must write the password you have just created). For the next steps, follow the instructions on the site.

Portuguese Language Courses


Portuguese Language Course: it’s important to know that all the courses at Poli are held in Portuguese. We strongly advise students to take Portuguese lessons before arriving in São Paulo. To help the students prepare for their studies at Poli, AUCANI – International Cooperation Office of USP – offers an online Portuguese Language Course. 

For more information send an email to the address: or go to the link.

For buses and subways around São Paulo.

iPoli - Student Association


International office of Poli: the iPoli is a Student Association of Escola Politécnica, which works closely with the International Relations Office team of EPUSP (SVREInt-Poli). Therefore, we strongly recommend foreign students to contact iPOLI before leaving their home Country. 

iPoli also promotes the “Orientation Week”, for more information email this address:

How to get here?

BUSP or Transporte Universitário.

Biênio’s Bus Stop or Poli’s Bus Terminal

Maps of lines

There are three bus lines at USP:

Line 8082-10

Line 8083-10

Line 8084-10

Line 8085-10


SPTrans or Bilhete único 

For buses and subways around São Paulo.

Location of the USP Polytechnic School - Engº Mario Covas Júnior Building