Escola Politécnica

Formando engenheiros e líderes


25/10/2011: Engineering for XXI century

08:00 Register  
09:00 Welcome Marco Antonio Zago
09:20 Eco-innovation in the value chain: the role of engineering Tim McAloone
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10:20 Considering sustainability during product development Emiliano Barelli
11:20 Coffee-break  
11:40 Debate Henrique Rozenfeld
12:30 Lunch  
14:30 Roles of engineering education for a national inovation strategy Eliane Baruth
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15:20 Complex Systems Engineering  Sergio Mascarenhas
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16:10 Coffee-break  
16:30 Debate Ivan Falleiros


26/10/2011: Building and Energy for a new life

09:00 New concepts and challenges for building materials Vahan Agopyan
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10:00 New engineering regulamentation in Brazil Rui Vieira
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10:50 Coffee-break  
11:10 Debate Vanderley John
12:15 Lunch  
14:30 Brazilian nuclear energy planning policies Leonam dos Santos Guimarães
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15:30 Alternatives for world energy sources José Goldemberg
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16:30 Coffee-break  
16:30 Debate  José Roberto C. Piqueira 
18:00 Cocktail